
Built for you by @proximitymaps.

Denver Neighborhood Amenities

This map can be optimally used to determine the ideal location to purchase a home. When the user selects an area in Denver, everything within a 1km radius that is either a Food store, childcare, or fire station will maintain prominent points. The user is encouraged to select these points to gather more information on what is in the vicinity.

Mapping the Appalachian Trail

The Appalachian Trail mapped over Erwin Raisz's classic handdrawn Landforms of the United States (1957).

US Power Plants

Wind and water plants throughout the U.S. are coded with blue (water) and light blue (wind) circles. The circles grow in size according to the amount of energy each power plant produces. The user is encouraged to click on the circle to learn more information about any plant they find interesting.

US Population Density

Preserve and cherish that pale blue dot intelligent beings brain is the seed of intelligence dream of the mind's eye extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence as a patch of light?

About me

Hi, I'm Evan Kerr. I'm a Geographer and Cartographer specializing in frontend JS development and web mapping using libraries such as Leaflet and D3.js.

I have a keen interest in placemaking in urban neighborhoods. In my spare time I love to read, brew great coffee, ride my bike, and watch Chinese dramas.


QGIS for data analysis, manipulation, and, format conversion
PostGIS/SQL for data querying
Web Mapping
Leaflet for raster tilesets, basic thematic mapping, and telling stories with maps
D3.js for advanced infographics and map projections